Finance Council
This consultative council assists the pastor with the financial matters of Cathedral Parish by developing and overseeing the budget and the operational and capital needs of the parish.
Please note: Members are asked by the Pastor of Cathedral Parish to serve on this council.
Parish Pastoral Council
The Parish Pastoral Council is a consultative ministry to the pastor in parish matters. This consultative body provides recommendations for parish objectives in the following areas: Faith Formation, Liturgy and Spirituality, Parish Outreach, Community Outreach, Stewardship and Development, Material Resources, Cooperation, and Vocations. It also provides a means of communication between the church and the school and among the various ministries.
Please note: The Cathedral Parish Pastoral Council consists of six elected members, two appointed members and the Finance Committee Chair. The Council meets four times a year.
Mission: To discern the faith development needs of Cathedral parishioners at all stages of faith life and to aid in setting goals and objectives to ensure this development. This commission’s work encompasses the Order of Christian Initiation (OCIA), all sacramental preparation, and the faith formation of all members of the Cathedral community at every stage of Christian life. This commission includes, without limitations:
First Reconciliation First Communion
Order of Christian Initiation of Adults (OCIA)- formerly known as RCIA
Summer Religion Program (VBS)
High School Youth Group
CCD – Religious Education Classes
Mission: To enrich and support the faith community of Cathedral Parish by acknowledging God’s presence in the preparation and celebration of Liturgical life. This commission includes, without limitations:
Altar Servers
Altar Society Children’s Liturgy of the Word Extraordinary Eucharistic Ministers
Extraordinary Eucharistic Ministers – Homebound / Sick
Music Ministers Sacristans
Mission: To develop Cathedral Parish life through community building and fellowship by offering programs and events that enrich and support the lives of the parishioners. This commission includes, without limitations:
Catholic Daughters – Court Immaculate No. 503
Dinner by Design - Couples Group
Holy Goats Men’s Group
Knights of Columbus – Council No. 1286
Enfants de Marie
Pro-Life Ministry
Senior’s Group
St. Vincent de Paul Society
Y'ALL (Young Adults)
Mission: To offer various avenues of on-going formation of an individual’s and family’s spiritual development. These ministries are committed to praying for our Bishop, Pastor, and priests of the Cathedral parish as well as for the Spiritual life and Divine protection of all members of the Cathedral of St. John the Evangelist Parish. This commission includes, without limitations:
Adoration Chapel & Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament
Come, Lord Jesus!
Lay Carmelites
Men's Bible Study
Women's Bible Study
Seven Sisters Apostolate