Before signing up, please understand that you must be available on two consecutive Sundays. We ask that you please read over the full guidelines below.
Cathedral Parish Guidelines for the Vocations Prayer Cross Kit
When choosing a date to accept the Vocations Prayer Cross into your home, please make sure you are available the following weekend in order to return the cross during Mass, ensuring a smooth transition from one family to the next.
On the return weekend, we ask that your family sit towards the back of the church as you will be the Gift Bearers for that Mass. When bringing up the gifts, you will also bring up the Vocations Prayer Cross Kit and hand it over to the priest to distribute to the next family before the closing of Mass.
There will be reserved seating each Sunday at the 9:00 a.m., 11:00 a.m., and 5 p.m. Masses for the families who receive the Vocations Prayer Cross Kit. This will allow the flow of the Mass to continue in a timely fashion.
Inside each kit is the Vocations Cross, a small statue of Our Lady of Prompt Succor, and a booklet of prayers and historical and educational details.
If you have any questions
Please contact Christie Domingue at the Cathedral Center during our regular hours:
Monday - Thursday 9am - 12pm; 1 - 4pm | Friday 9am - 12pm
337-232-1322 | [email protected]
Sign up below
Once you have read the guidelines above, please
Sign Up to Take Home the Vocations Prayer Cross.